Student Transportation
To be eligible for bussing, students must live 1.6 km or more by the shortest route from the school and within their school district boundary.
If you live in the Lord Selkirk School Division Catchment however choose to attend a school outside your boundary, this becomes school of choice and we do not provide bussing for school of choice students.
Exceptions are:
We do not bus any students from outside the Lord Selkirk School division catchment. If you live outside the LSSD catchment and wish to request bussing to the Lord Selkirk Regional Comprehensive Secondary School, please contact the school division of which you reside.
Student Responsibilities
Waiting for the bus:
- Arrive at your bus stop five (5) minutes prior to pick-up time.
- Stand back from the road, well away from the bus.
- If a student is required to cross the road, they must wait for the bus driver to signal it is safe to cross. Students are to cross three metres in front of the bus and are to look both ways to make sure there is no traffic approaching.
Getting on the bus:
- Approach the bus only when it is completely stopped.
- Line up and wait for the door to open. The driver will signal to board the bus.
- Board single file in an orderly manner.
- Use the handrail to prevent falling.
Getting off the bus:
- Remain seated until the bus comes to a complete stop.
- Leave the bus in an orderly fashion.
- The bus driver will signal when it is safe to cross the road.
Behaviour while on the bus:
- Behaviour that may distract the driver or interfere with their driving will not be tolerated.
- Follow the bus driver’s instructions.
- Eating or drinking on the bus is not permitted.
- Students are to sit in their assigned seat and remain seated until destination is reached.
- Refrain from fighting, horseplay, and using obscene language.
- Keep the aisle clear by placing all items on your lap or under the seat.
- Windows may only be opened with the driver’s permission.
- Never stick any part of your body out of the window.
- Throwing objects inside the bus or out of the window is not permitted.
- Do not tamper with the bus or its equipment.
- At no time are videos or photos allowed to be taken during the bus ride.
- Do not damage or vandalize the bus or its equipment in any way.
- Alcohol, drugs, vaping, or any tobacco products and the use of lighters or matches are prohibited on the bus.
Parent/Guardian Responsibilities
Parents/guardians should help to maintain a high standard of safety and acceptable behaviour for students while travelling on school buses. School bus transportation is a privilege and not a right. Bus riding privileges may be suspended for misconduct by students.
- Shall advise and explain to their children the rules and appropriate behaviour on the bus.
- Shall have their children at their bus stop five (5) minutes prior to the arrival of the bus.
- Drivers are not required to wait past the scheduled pick-up time.
- Shall ensure a parent/guardian is home at the designated time for drop-off.
- Are responsible for their children’s safety and conduct prior to boarding and after drop off at their designated stop, this includes to and from the bus stop.
- Are expected to co-operate with the principal or school designate, bus driver, and division staff.
- Shall submit a new Request for Transportation Services form if their address or circumstances change.
- Are responsible for any willful damage done by their children. Students found responsible for damage may not ride the school bus until the matter is resolved to the satisfaction of the division.
- Must be aware that students are not permitted to ride the school bus without authorization.
- Must realize that objects that may interfere with the safe operation of the vehicle or safety of the students will not be permitted on the school bus.
Carry-on Items
Carry-on items are restricted to those that can be adequately managed by each passenger in their assigned seat.
- Articles being transported must be secured in a backpack.
- Band instruments in carrying cases allowed on the bus are trombones, trumpets, flutes, clarinets, alto sax and smaller instruments, if space permits in the student’s assigned seat.
- Electronic devices are permitted on the bus provided they are used in an appropriate manner (use of earbuds or headphones).
A list of items not allowed on the school bus include:
- tubas
- hockey bags
- baritones (euphonium)
- hockey sticks
- baseball bats
- bells
- skis and poles
- tenor sax
- snowshoes
- guitars
- suitcases
- camping equipment
- duffle bags
- skateboards
- snowboards
During the school year there may be situations where inclement weather or adverse road conditions may force the cancellation of some or all routes. Please do not telephone the Transportation Department. Announcements will be made on radio stations, posted on the Division website, and an automated phone message will be sent by the division.
In the event of extreme cold weather, bus transportation shall be cancelled at a temperature of -40°C or a combined temperature and wind chill of -45°C or greater as of 6:00 a.m. on The Weather Network (Selkirk).
In the case of extreme cold where busses do not run and where staff are required to report to work, parents/guardians will have the option of transporting their child(ren) to school and picking them up at the end of the school day.
School Closed
In the event of extreme weather/environmental conditions, schools shall be closed and buses will not run.
Severe Weather Conditions
Severe weather conditions and poor roads may result in late arrival and departure. Please make sure your contact information is correct with your child(ren)’s school and keep a phone nearby in case of late bus announcement.
Please make sure your child is dressed appropriately (i.e. hats, gloves, snow pants, winter jacket, winter boots)
Bus Pass Information
Bus passes are handed out on an emergency basis only, requested through the school office.