The START Program

Who We Are

The START Program coordinates inter-agency case planning for youth facing multiple challenges and utilizes community and family resources to support them. The START Program is a team approach involving Manitoba Justice, Child and Family Services, Interlake-Eastern Regional Health Authority, RCMP, Addictions Foundation of Manitoba and the Lord Selkirk School Division.

The START Program provides community mobilization services to youth and adults in Selkirk, St. Clements, St. Andrews and Brokenhead Ojibway Nation through a consent-based, culturally inclusive and client-centred approach. We will collaboratively identify, plan with and support our clients in reaching their individual goals and by doing so, create safer and healthier communities.

Parents and Youth are encouraged to contact START directly for assistance at 204-785-4001 or to inquire about the program through any of the aforementioned community agencies that may already be assisting them.

For more information visit our website by clicking here.
