The English-Ukrainian Bilingual Program offers Ukrainian language instruction (provincially set curriculum), activities to increase cultural awareness and experiences in Ukrainian culture. This second language acquisition program is offered at Happy Thought School (K-4) and East Selkirk Middle School (5-8) and started in 1983. The program is approved by Manitoba Education and Training and all curriculum outcomes are taught as in regular English classes.
Enthusiastic teachers and active parents support a high-quality program where students can succeed without Ukrainian background or knowledge of the language. Parents support an energetic English-Ukrainian Parents Committee. School bus transportation is available to Happy Thought and East Selkirk Middle School for all students residing within the Lord Selkirk School Division.
Ukrainian Classes
The program offers a balance of English and Ukrainian instruction, allowing each student to gain a rich understanding of the language, traditions and heritage.
ELA, math, science, gym are instructed in English. Ukrainian Language is used to teach Ukrainian Language Arts, Social studies, health, and art. Music and Choir are taught in both languages.
This is not an immersion program, but a bilingual enrichment program that has Ukrainian as an additional language.
Basic French in grades 4 - 6
Band and Music in grades 5 and 6
Special Events
An important component of the English Ukrainian Bilingual Program is the special events. Students participate in many events during the year. Some of these are: Ukrainian Tea and Concert, pysanka (Easter egg) making, paska (bread) making, traditional Easter baskets, caroling and Ukrainian choir.
Benefits of the English Ukrainian Bilingual Program
- Language learning develops creative and critical thinking skills
- Children develop an appreciation of cultural diversity
- Enhancement of personal and cultural identity
- Opportunity to explore many facets of Ukrainian culture and celebrate its traditions
- Opens doors to exciting career opportunities and further studies in languages, especially in languages that use the Cyrillic alphabet
About Manitoba Parents for Ukrainian Education
To ensure that the Ukrainian language endures and flourishes, Manitoba Parent for Ukrainian Education (MPUE) is dedicated to promoting, enhancing and expanding the English-Ukrainian Bilingual Program (EUBP) in Manitoba. MPUE is the umbrella organization that provides support for the parent organization associated with each of the 12 schools the English-Ukrainian Bilingual Program.
Come and learn about the English Ukrainian Bilingual Program at our schools. You are welcome to take a tour, visit our classrooms and ask any questions you may have.
YouTube link below: Petrusia Perih visits Happy Thought School